Reserve Your Session
Welcome Class of 2025!
Select a session type below to see available dates & times.
Availability is 6 weeks out
Please check often to see updated session times.
NEW USERS: Use your student ID as the user, and your last name as the password (case and hyphen sensitive).
PARENTS: Please register everything in your student’s name or your name may accidentally end up listed in the yearbook.
Email link users: You are already logged in to your account. Do not share this email, this means your friend will book under YOUR name.
Scripps Ranch Seniors: You MUST create a brand new account under the STUDENT’S NAME, then proceed with booking.
CANCELLATION POLICY: We respectfully request a minimum of 48 hours notice to cancel or re-schedule your appointment. Timely cancellations create opportunities for other clients, we are grateful for your consideration. If you do not come to your session or cancel same day, there is a $25 fee which will be charged to the same card you booked your session with.
In accordance with US Copyright Code 17, all images captured by Keane Studios remain subject to use in online showcase such as emails, marketing, social media and website display.
On Campus Photo Sessions
Don’t see the session type or time slot that you’re looking for?